Psychic Messages from the Other Side Phone/Skype One Hour




Do you have loved one that you would
like to contact? Your loved ones who have crossed over are waiting to
hear from you. As an Evidential Medium, Rev. Elivia’s abilities allow
this connection with those who have passed. Receive messages of comfort
and serenity or resolve issues and lay them to rest and more. One of the
tenants of Spiritualism is the belief that communication with the so
called dead is a fact, which can be proven through Mediumship.

 No one can “command” those in Spirit
to appear, however in general your loved ones are eagerly waiting to
speak with you, even those who perhaps you didn’t get along with!!

 This one hour phone session with Rev. Elivia in N. County San Diego, includes a MP3 of the session that will be e-mailed to you.

 Once you have paid for your session, Elivia will contact you to schedule an appointment.

 ***Sessions are also available by Skype – Just let us know your preference. Skype session will not be recorded.