
#2 Malachite, Lapis Lazuli and Elestial Quartz Necklace

Original price was: $120.00.Current price is: $65.00.

Double terminated Elestial quartz with malachite and lapis lazuli gemstone necklace.

Assists you with knowing you are powerful, fully aware and open-hearted

1 in stock


Double terminated Elestial quartz with malachite and lapis lazuli gemstone necklace.

Assists you with knowing you are powerful, fully aware and open-hearted

Malachite:  Stone of Transformation. Assists one in changing situations & provides for the transfer of sacred information leading to spiritual evolution. Assists in clearing and activating all chakras! Clarifies the emotions and allows for the release of negative experiences, which one can’t recall (rebirthing) . It can create an unobstructed path, leading to a desired goal. Also provides an indication of the necessary procedural steps needed.

Lapis Lazuli: Wonderful manifesting stone to use while meditating. This stone assists one in gaining admission to ancient mysteries and exploring esoteric planetary knowledge. It is a “stone of total awareness,” energizing and activating the throat and brow chakras. Assists in organizing one’s dreams and in routine day-to-day activities. Shelters the wearer from physical danger and psychic attacks. Brings inner strength, i.e. hope, courage & confidence. It also is used to decrease irritability, whether caused by trauma issues or day-to-day frustrations.

Elestial Quartz: RARE!! Can be used to remove emotional burdens and bring the heart and intellect into synchronicity. Can help one’s awareness of immortality and the processes of life after “death.” Provides entrance into information on ones past, present and future. Can be used to sustain and maintain one during changes. Stabilizes brain wave frequencies and so much more.  Amazing stone friend.

Length: 21″

Shipping to the Continental US is included in the price.