Opening to Intuition 6 week class series
Virtual on Zoom 971 Borden Rd, San Marcos, CA, United StatesDevelop your sensitivities to unseen energies and learn how to safely connect with your inner guidance, guides and angels
This is an advanced spiritual development closed class that is open by invitation only.
This private mentoring session is held virtually, online, on Zoom. If you feel that you could use Private Mentoring, please contact Elivia. You might think of it as a spiritual life coach to help guide you as you learn to qualify energies and grow!
This is an advanced development closed class that is open by invitation only. It occurs virtually, on Zoom and will be in person and virtual in the near future. With Elivia as the navigator, we journey to many realms and dimensions. Having a firm background in clearing, grounding and knowing who your guides are in […]
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