Luck of the Irish Spirit Message Circle – Virtual

Come join us on-line to discover where your good fortune lies at this special St. Patrick's Day Spirit Message Circle with Irish Medium, Elivia Melodey. At this Luck of the Irish Spirit Message Circle, we will be contacting your Joy Guides as well as the Leprechauns to locate just exactly where your personal pot of gold is hidden. It's there for each of us, we just have to know where to look!!

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Beginning Psychic Mediumship Class Virtual –

Everyone has psychic abilities, so relax as we hold space for yours to unfold! In this beginning level mediumship development you will learn to focus and fine tune your ability to work with and channel Light Beings, Teachers, and Guides. Safely learn to navigate through unseen energies and learn discernment in a safe, supportive atmosphere.

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Beginning Psychic Mediumship Class Virtual

Everyone has psychic abilities, so relax as we hold space for yours to unfold! In this beginning level mediumship development you will learn to focus and fine tune your ability to work with and channel Light Beings, Teachers, and Guides. Safely learn to navigate through unseen energies and learn discernment in a safe, supportive atmosphere.

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Beginning Psychic Mediumship Class Virtual

Everyone has psychic abilities, so relax as we hold space for yours to unfold! In this beginning level mediumship development you will learn to focus and fine tune your ability to work with and channel Light Beings, Teachers, and Guides. Safely learn to navigate through unseen energies and learn discernment in a safe, supportive atmosphere.

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Beginning Psychic Mediumship Class Virtual

Everyone has psychic abilities, so relax as we hold space for yours to unfold! In this beginning level mediumship development you will learn to focus and fine tune your ability to work with and channel Light Beings, Teachers, and Guides. Safely learn to navigate through unseen energies and learn discernment in a safe, supportive atmosphere.

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