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Unity Spirit and Healing Faire – Yucaipa Spiritual Center

September 21, 2019 @ 10:00 am - 4:00 pm


September 21, 2019 10am-4pm
Yucaipa Spiritual Center
35393 Ave. E, Yucaipa, CA

No Admission Charge.

FREE EVENTS at the Yucaipa Oracle Fest 11 AM – 3:30 PM
September 21, 2019
Unity of Yucaipa
35393 Ave. Yucaipa, CA

Oracle Fest is 10am-4pm – FREE EVENTS

Let the beat carry you to where you can let go of anything less than for your highest good. Drum and let the beats bring you into your deep, inner soul. The drum-song is heart chant and it connects body, mind, and spirit in a unique way to the universe.

AmyLynn Dimaano is a Board-Certified Music Therapist and Certified Drug & Alcohol Counselor. She has a private practice in Redlands, CA called H.O.P.E.: Helping Others Purposely Evolve.

NOON- 1 pm
ARE YOU PSYCHIC? – Michele Andres
Want to know how your special talents fit into your life purpose?
What should you do to develop your mystical abilities?
How might you use your unique skills to be of service to others?
Be validated – See for yourself with this fun, easy and affirming examination.

Come. Sit with Michele of mystic-mentor.com as she assists you in evaluating where you are mystically, what it all means, and how you’ll want to answer this very special Divine Calling.
Michele has been triple-tested and certified as a Psychic-Medium and holds diplomas and certifications by some of the world’s most esteemed mystics, psychics, mediums, and channels – including James Van Praagh, Lisa Williams, John Holland, Sharon Klingler …and more.

Explore how powerful crystals can be for assisting you in three important areas of your life.

Learn which stones are most effective and how to work with them in ways that bring results!

Rev. Elivia Melody has helped thousands of people create healthier minds, bodies, and spirits through music, classes & workshops. Her keen analytical ability translates spiritual & vibrational healing concepts into a practical approach.

IMPROVING YOUR RELATIONSHIPS USING B.A.N.K.– the language of people- Julia Haskins
What if you could crack the code to impact your relationships and enrich your legacy?
Presenting BANKCODE™, the language of people.
Blueprint – Action – Nurturing – Knowledge
Each of us has a fundamental personality type. Learn how to assess your personality using our simple, fast, BANK™ typing system in 90 seconds. Discover how to best relate to others by using the knowledge of your own code and the code of your family, your friends and your business associates.

B.A.N.K. is a quick, reliable, measure of personalities that predicts behavior and increases your personal connection. CRACK the personality code and change your WORLD.

Julia Haskins is a certified L1/L2 BANK™ Trainer and has been in the holistic health field for over 20 years as a Reiki Practitioner, Certified Bach Flower and Homeopathic Practitioner, Nutritional Coach and Licensed Massage Therapist. Using the BANK™ system has been a game changer in both her personal and professional life.

TRINFINITY 8 – Cheryl Vasquez
Trinfinity 8 is the first energetic device based on mathematical algorithms. Its unique features include 5,000 Bio- Energetic Rejuvenation Formulas.

James Van Praagh calls it an “Out of This World Tool.” This represents a whole new quantum shift in bio-energetic technology that can turn back the clock on aging process, increase awareness, restore vitality, and assist your body in attaining the all-important sense of self balance, all by running special mathematical code through your body.

YOUR SPIRITUAL PATH: Clarity and Understanding – David Lintner
David has been on a long, long ride on his search for spiritual truth. From Lutheran Minister, to the Ancient Eastern Ways, through Taoism, Kabbalah (Qabalah), Atheism, Agnostic, and finally to Self-Awareness that ALL is one displayed in a “coat of many colors.”
Simplify, be at peace with yourself, understand, and have clarity about the complex maze of spiritual paths, methods, techniques, and theologies.


Be sure to stop by my booth when you’re at the Psychic, Healing and Spirit Faire in Yucaipa Treat yourself to a very special selection of wonderful crystals, gems, minerals, Spirit Faire, free tickets, Psychic Fairand healing stones for sale. Naturally, I’ll have plenty of  Crystal Vibrations Music and of course, crystal singing bowls at prices you can afford!! I have some amazing new Hand-Held bowls that you’ll have to hear to believe! Check out my new carrying cases and come receive a free healing sound bath that day!

Come out and enjoy the day!

Organized for the Yucaipa Unity Center for Spiritual Living, by:
MetaStudies Institute – Anita Burns – anitaburns1@gmail.com and
Holistic Registry – Tina Foran – insight2change@yahoo.com