
#7 Lapis Lazuli, Pearl and Elestial Quartz Necklace

Original price was: $120.00.Current price is: $65.00.

Lapis Lazuli, Pearl and Elestial Quartz Necklace

Promotes Manifesting from the Heart.

1 in stock


Lapis, Pearl and Elestial Quartz Necklace

Promotes Manifesting from the Heart.
Lapis Lazuli, Pearl and Elestial Quartz Necklace

Promotes Manifesting from the Heart.

Lapis Lazuli

Wonderful manifesting stone to use while meditating. This stone assists one in gaining admission to ancient mysteries and exploring esoteric planetary knowledge. It is a “stone of total awareness,” energizing and activating the throat and brow chakras. Assists in organizing one’s dreams and in routine day-to-day activities. Shelters the wearer from physical danger and psychic attacks. Brings inner strength, i.e. hope, courage & confidence. It also is used to decrease irritability, whether caused by trauma issues or day-to-day frustrations.


♥ Purity ♥ Honesty ♥ Innocence ♥ Integrity ♥ Concentration ♥ Focus ♥ Meditation ♥ Tranquility ♥ Wisdom

Pearl signifies faith, charity, and innocence.  It enhances personal integrity and helps to provide a focus to one’s attention.  Pearl symbolizes purity and is known as a “stone of sincerity”.  It brings truth to situations and loyalty to a “cause”.  Inhibits boisterous behavior.

Length: 26″

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