Sound Healing with Singing Crystal Bowls Workshop, In Person, January 25, 10 am – 5 pm


This In-person singing crystal bowl workshop is open to all levels of vibrational healing practitioners as well as those who want to learn more about singing crystal bowls. We’ll be exploring all the ways you can work with singing crystal bowls for personal use, for groups and for those with a professional practice. We’ll be learning rituals and unique ways that you can share the bowls with others. We’ll also be learning the differences between all the different kinds of singing crystal bowls out there so you can be informed!!



Singing Crystal Bowl WorkshopSound Healing with Singing Crystal Bowls Workshop

Saturday, Jan. 25, 10 AM – 5 PM

This In-person singing crystal bowl workshop is open to all levels of vibrational healing practitioners as well as those who want to learn more about singing crystal bowls. You don’t need to know a thing about singing bowls, or even own one to get a lot out of this class. If you do have a healing practice, this class will show you how you can expand it in many ways. We’ll have lots of singing crystal bowls to work with and brand-new ones to play with too. – Just in case you’re looking for a new crystal sound healing friend and can’t decide which one to get! At the end of this workshop, you’ll know for sure!

Learn how vibrational healing works through the Singing Crystal Bowls and learn how it can assist in revitalizing you! Discover which tones uniquely affect your being, along with the history & practice of the quartz crystal singing bowls.
Naturally, we’ll be going through a Singing Crystal Bowl Chakra Meditation to assist you in differentiating exactly how the bowls impact these vital energy centers.

We’ll be exploring all the ways you can work with singing crystal bowls for personal use, for groups and those with a professional practice. We’ll be learning rituals and unique ways that you can share the bowls with others. We’ll also be learning the differences between all the different kinds of singing crystal bowls out there so you can be informed!!

All participants will receive Elivia’s Singing Crystal Bowl Workbook.

Dress comfortably and bring bag lunch with a small blanket or mat for meditation and floor work for this Singing Crystal Bowl workshop.

Cost: $300 in advance, $425 after Jan. 22. RSVP now to hold you place

Class size is limited so you’ll want to be sure to sign up early.

Location: Private home in San Marcos.
Directions will be emailed to you when you register.